UMRA – Portal Active Directory User Audit

9:19 PM / Comments (0) / by Tech Admin

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UMRA – Portal Active Directory User Audit

In my previous blog post I talked about how you can log all your UMRA web portal actions to a log within a SQL, Oracle, Access, or another database system. This will allow you to quickly pull up past history of actions by your users. So regardless of when your user in the portal took these actions, it could be a month, a week, a year down the line, you will now have a complete history of either actions on a user, or actions performed by a user. Now, some of you might be asking, once you have this data, how can I pull it up quickly, and get the data I need? Easy, what you can now do is add it to part of your UMRA web portal, to quickly go in, and grab certain parts of the log file, and display it back on the screen. So in this blog will show you some other cool tricks you can do to really integrate this Active Directory Auditing to your current UMRA web portal web pages. I’ve created a quick and flexible way to grab these records when you want to edit user’s details, or just look at an overview of their account.

If you haven’t already, read over some of the below blogs, to get caught up to speed.

Audit and Logging:
UMRA COM Connection:
Loop Through DataTable:

UMRA – Portal Active Directory User Audit How To

So now that we have this data logged to a database, we need a way to pull the data out we need in a more user friendly fashion. Now there are tons of ways you can do this, so the way I will talk about it, doing a simple database query with UMRA Automation project, and linking this up with you search for a user, and want to edit that users details.

Step 1:
Create a simple search webpage that brings back results based on your criteria, samaccountname, displayname, etc.

Step 2:
Create a hyperlinked JavaScript function to get the users details, similar to previous blogs I’ve talked about. This can be done a ton of ways, either with ASP PHP ASP.NET, with AJAX, etc.

Step 3:
After you have your users Active Directory Data, run either another function, or display another page getting the users data out of your logging system. Now, since you are already passing the samaccountname to your UMRA Automation project that gets the users data, you should send the same samaccountname to another UMRA Automation project that runs a simple database query on your logfile, to pull records that this user you are editing were part of.

Here are some screen shots of how I did this function.

